Thursday, April 30, 2009

Really good haircuts

There's very little difference between feeling like a million dollars, and feeling like total and complete crap. When you feel like total crap, this one thing could be exactly what you need to perk you up. What is it? A really good haircut. 
When you have a really good haircut, people notice. "nice haircut." "Love the hair." "That's uber sweet. Where'd y'all get it done?" (yes people talk like that.  I don't know what kind of people YOU hang out with.) And it makes your day. Nothing says "I'm better then you" quite like having superior hair then someone else. Oh yeah. This is MY hair. Suck an egg.
Whether it's the emo bang, the pixie, the fashion bob or the occasional bowl cut, we all have had those sweet cuts that just make the others swoon in jealousy. Unfortunately for me I haven't had one in ages. Like it's been a while. Like... many, many months. Possibly years. Either way I'm long over due. Next one I'm hoping for better be good. At least good. 

So the standings are as follows: 
1) Mint Chocolate Chip
2) Winning  
3) Really Good Haircuts 
4) Fireworks (down 1) 
5) Rock Band 
6) Bubble Gum (Down 2) 
7) Kittens (Down 1) 

Voting commences now. From now on if you agree/disagree with any of the entries you can "hit" them or "vote" them. A hit will count as one strike against the item, a vote will count as one strike for the item. 
And example: 
Vote: Mint Chocolate Chip
-counts as one vote. 
Hit: Kittens
-counts as one hit.
Votes can be posted as comments or private messages. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


It's the flavor of childhood. When you put a piece of bubble gum the sugary rush you feel is almost instantaneous. It's like god made you to enjoy sugar, and you do this by enjoying the burst of freshness that only bubble gum can provide. Ok, that analogy really didn't make much sense I guess... 
The point is bubble gum is sweet. (You see that? That's a double entendre. It doesn't always have to be a sexual thing! That's what she said... sorry, the joke as kind of taken over my life. I don't even watch the office!) Bubble gum is wonderful. You can chew it and taste the deliciousness, (don't say it...) Or you can blow it into large pink bubbles. (don't say it...) Bubble gum is what would happen if you could make edible silly putty. It's gooey, delicious and above all things playful. It's childhood nostalgia at it's best. 
However it does lose points for being sticky. Not that there's a problem with that, but once it's been stuck to the bottom of my shoe, the sticky factor knocks it down a point or two...

So the standings are as follows: 
1) Mint Chocolate Chip
2) Winning (no change) 
3) Fireworks (up one from last entry)
4) Bubble gum
5) Rock Band (no change)
6) Kittens (down two from last entry due to the fact that I was scratched by one) 

Voting commences now. From now on if you agree/disagree with any of the entries you can "hit" them or "vote" them. A hit will count as one strike against the item, a vote will count as one strike for the item. 
And example: 
Vote: Mint Chocolate Chip
-counts as one vote. 
Hit: Kittens
-counts as one hit.
Votes can be posted as comments or private messages. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Possibly the best feeling ever. Winning is a primal desire of the primal variety. When you're in a competition you can feel it bubbling up inside of you. The desire sparks something deep within your soul. You get a flash of passion burst deep inside you and you can feel yourself blow a mental fuse somewhere in the grid work of your brain. You're in it to win it. 
So whether it's competing for Tyra's sick and twisted entertainment like gladiators, The stanley cup or something equally "meaningful" the rush you get when you win something is fierce. It's intense. It's awesome. 
So, there will always be those who claim that "Winning isn't everything." and "I'm only here to have fun." These people are full of crap. When you play something you play to win. Otherwise you're a communist. Not that there's anything wrong with that... 

1) Mint Chocolate Chip
2) Winning (new entry)
3) Fireworks (up one from last entry)
4) Kittens (up one from last entry)
5) Rock Band (Down two from last entry) 

Voting commences now. From now on if you agree/disagree with any of the entries you can "hit" them or "vote" them. A hit will count as one strike against the item, a vote will count as one strike for the item. 
And example: 
Vote: Mint Chocolate Chip
-counts as one vote. 
Hit: Kittens
-counts as one hit.

(ha ha Hit kittens) 

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Whether it's the bright burst of colour, the sudden rush of exhilaration or our universal love of loud noises, there is something carnal and fascinating about fireworks. They're beautiful. They're intriguing. They're mysterious. They're like Cher in explosion form. They also don't need to be good at singing, dancing or actting in order to be considered incredible. They just exist and that's enough. So I have officially equated Cher to fireworks. Great. That was completely unintentional. But in all seriousness, fireworks are incredible. They serve no purpose really other then to decorate the sky for half a second before fading into oblivion. 
Again, it's Cher. 
Actually I could take this analogy further. Fireworks were invented in China thousands of years ago. Cher was born thousands of years ago. Probably in some foreign country. And most of her parts were probably made in China. Let's face it, by now she's probably more plastic then human anyway. 
Something to think about at least. 
So in conclusion :
 = fireworks
Again, I am sorry for tainting fireworks forever. 

1: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
2: Rock Band
3. Fireworks
4: Kittens
5: ...
6: ...
7: ... 
8: ...
9: ...
10: ...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Rock Band

When Harmonix mixed Guitar Hero, Karaoke Revolution and their little cousins drum set, they accidentally created the ultimate party game. Throw in a touch of alcohol and there's no need to do anything else. This game is so popular that there are very few people who haven't played it. Seriously. My grandmother knows Rock Band. Actually I'm pretty sure she's kicked my butt on "Enter Sandman"
This is in no way a dig on Guitar Hero: World Tour. Ok, maybe it is. A small one.  *dig*
Now that video games are becoming increasingly mainstream with games like Rock Band and the Wii, it makes sense that more people are playing them. Nintendo these days is practically printing money. And kudos to them really. It seems they're the only ones who can in this recession. DSi anyone? 
Anyway: In conclusion, Rock Band = good. It's fun, it's classic, it's party and just embarrassing enough that you wont want to play it in public unless you've had the necessary "social lubrication" with your good buddies Jack Daniels, Captain Morgan and Vodka Man. And if you do you're one of "those" people who sits around by themselves playing Rock Band all day and trying to achieve an all new "high score" on green grass and high tides. 
Shame on you. Rock Band is meant to be shared clumsily between drunken friends. 
This coming from the man who frequently plays the game just so he can sing to himself. Fun.

1) Mint Chocolate Chip
2) Rock Band
3) Kittens
4) ...

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I'm not a cat person. I will never be a cat person. Cats are defunct dogs who don't come when they're called.
On a completely unrelated topic: Why name a cat if it's just going to ignore you? Stupid cat. Come when you're called!
However, despite the fact that cats are repugnant and neglectable, kittens are cute. So much so they've inspired the lol phenomenon... so I'm unsure whether or not this is a really good thing, or a negligible thing... either way they're cute.
Before they grow their claws to ridiculous, face-shredding length, kittens begin life as cute, endearing little balls of fluff that clumsily explore their world with a wide eyed freshness akin to only the youngest of creatures.
While this is not in any way exclusive to cats, I'm choosing to put kittens in front of puppies and babies for the moment. The time will come for all the young creatures to emerge on the list, but in the meantime, we can all agree that kittens rock.
but not cats.

1) Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
2) Kittens

Mint Chocolate Chip

Mint Chocolate Chip. Like the Jesus of Ice Creams. It's smooth, cool and refreshing and possibly the best ice cream ever invented. There can be no denying that when someone offers you a mint chocolate ice cream, you smile. Even Hitler would smile. Maybe if Hitler'd had some mint choc chip, we'd have more... I'm going to cut this joke off here before I upset all my Jewish readers.
All two of you.
Hello Jamie.
(I mean you.)

So there we go. The first thing that people like is Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

1) Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
2) ...
3) ...
4) ...
5) ...
6) ...
7) ...
8) ...
9) ...