Meet Sackboy. Officially the most adorable video game character since Lara Croft's bra. Look at him. He's so cute! And it doesn't hurt that you can turn him into pretty much anything you want to. You want a Naruto Sackboy? Go ahead! An Elizabethan Queen Sackboy? (Sackgirl?) Go right on and make it. Sackboy Hitler? ... Well maybe not so much, but hey.
As the face of Little Big Planet, one, if not the most ingenius platformer games in decade, Sackboy is adorable. He is precious. He's like a little piece of deliciously awesome crack. Everyone loves Sackboy. He runs, he jumps, he smiles, he waves... He does everything. He's freaking Sackboy. What more do you people need?

Trust me when I say the game is fun. Damn fun. Often mind numbingly difficult too, but hey, that's the sign of good quality. I'd love to play this game for many more years... but hopefully Media Molecule is already working on their follow up.
This game rocks.
I less then three Sackboy. I less then three it good.
And on to the top ten:
1) Mint Chocolate Chip
2) Underdogs
3) Julie Andrews
4) Sackboy
5) Really Good Haircuts
6) Fireworks
7) Milkshakes
8) Bubble Gum
9) Raindrops on Roses
10) Winning
11) Rock Band 12) Kittens (down because my room mates kitten keeps me up at night. Automatic not a fan of cats at the moment...)
I was originally going to make this a top ten, but that requires excruciating cuts.
I love le Sackboy too! I wish I could carry him in my pocket so he could be cute and such whenever I needed him to be.