Thursday, April 23, 2009


I'm not a cat person. I will never be a cat person. Cats are defunct dogs who don't come when they're called.
On a completely unrelated topic: Why name a cat if it's just going to ignore you? Stupid cat. Come when you're called!
However, despite the fact that cats are repugnant and neglectable, kittens are cute. So much so they've inspired the lol phenomenon... so I'm unsure whether or not this is a really good thing, or a negligible thing... either way they're cute.
Before they grow their claws to ridiculous, face-shredding length, kittens begin life as cute, endearing little balls of fluff that clumsily explore their world with a wide eyed freshness akin to only the youngest of creatures.
While this is not in any way exclusive to cats, I'm choosing to put kittens in front of puppies and babies for the moment. The time will come for all the young creatures to emerge on the list, but in the meantime, we can all agree that kittens rock.
but not cats.

1) Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
2) Kittens

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