Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Quitting a job you hate

Nothing quite gives you the satisfaction of leaving a job you dislike. Especially when it's for one with better hours, decent pay and it's where you're actually needed instead of just another cog in the wheel. It's possibly the best feeling in the world. We should all do it. At least once. 
In fact, I'm going to quit tomorrow. 
Good bye Blockbuster.
See you NEVER AGAIN!!! *evil maniacal laughter* 

And on to the top ten: 
1)   Quitting a Job You Hate
2)  Mint Chocolate Chip
3)  Underdogs 
4)  Julie Andrews
5)  Sackboy
6)  Really Good Haircuts
7)  Fireworks 
8) Milkshakes
9)  Bubble Gum 
10)  Raindrops on Roses
11)   Winning
12)  Rock Band 
13)  Kittens


Leave em! 


  1. Getting laid off from a job you dont really like isnt bad either. Except you dont have the security of a new job yet.

  2. hi, i stumbled upon ur blog at 20somethings, so thoguht id drop in and say hello!

    i totall kjnow what u mean about sticking around at a sucky job! its totally killing! congratulations on your resignation and hopeflly a better dreamier job comes along really quick!
